What is SALP?
Science Academy Leadership Program (SALP) is a program that is offered to students in grades 6th-8th at SAC. SALP focuses on academic challenges, healthy lifestyle, building confidence, volunteerism, exploration, and many fun activities.
Program Overview:
Students who commit to the SALP program will be engaged in a systematic process that guides, recognizes, and rewards their progress. The program encourages activities such as academic competitions, college trips, and excursions. Once students successfully register for the SALP program, they will be assigned to an advisor. Advisors will assist in planning activities, monitoring progress, and setting goals in the following areas:

- Personal Development
- Community Service
- Physical Fitness
- Educational Adventure
Students will be awarded Gold, Silver and Bronze medals, certificates and gift cards at an awards ceremony held at the end of the school year.
Completing the requirements for SALP and taking advantage of educational and experiential opportunities allow students to build stronger portfolios for their future careers.
SALP Program Areas
Students set goals to maximize their potential with the assistance of advisors who help at every stage of planning to reach goals and enable personal development. The personal development areas may include the following:

- Progress Monitoring
- Participating in Extra-Curricular Activities
- Character Education
- Enhancing Reading & Writing Skills
- Weekend & Enrichment Program
- Standardized Test Preparation / Tutoring
Students are now given the option of fulfilling requirements of SALP online. Different platforms can be used to communicate between scholars and their advisors. To connect during their Progress Monitoring Meeting, scholars and their advisors can meet over online platforms such as Google classroom, Google meet, Zoom, WhatsApp, facetime, phone call and etc.

Instilling the importance of public service and social responsibility to SALP students is an essential role of the program. With awareness for public service and community work, our students will gradually learn the benefits of giving their time to create a better environment for everyone.
Students are able to provide community service with the help of virtual and socially distanced activities such as; online tutoring, knitting blankets or hats for hospital patients, writing letters to those serving in the armed forces abroad, children in medical isolation, or people under quarantine, delivering supplies to the elderly or home-bound, packaging supplies for students who need meals provided by their schools, helping with public online schools.

Nurturing a healthy lifestyle is an important aspect of the SALP program. Students will improve their quality of life through participation in fitness activities. SALP will challenge students to set and achieve a measurable goal in physical activities.
- Personal Physical Activities
- Healthy Food & Drink Choices

The purpose of educational adventures is to develop in students a spirit of adventure and discovery. Organizing, planning, training, and completing this area requires self-reliance, determination, and cooperation. These trips are designed to further expose students to various outdoor activities while broadening their social experience. The Educational Adventures areas may include the following:
- Overnight Activities
- Trips & Camps
- Cultural Exposure
Harvard University researchers indicate that family engagement is critically important to student achievement by:

- Improving children’s literacy
- Preparing youth for college
- Promoting high-quality work habits and task orientation
- Supporting the development of social skills
- Increasing high-school graduation rates, especially students from diverse ethnic and economic backgrounds.
With parents’ involvement, parents will have a better understanding of the advisor’s job and the importance of SALP program.
SALP program has “plus” categories with parent engagement; Bronze Plus, Silver Plus ,and Gold Plus. The Plus categories are added to encourage parent engagement and participation in school activities and their scholars’ events. This component is not mandatory to achieve any of the three medals but will earn special recognition for the scholars that meet the requirements of this component. Parents need to participate in SALP activities 4 times in a year in order for their child to earn a plus category award.
The requirements of SALP for 6th grade are outlined in this chart.

The requirements of SALP for 7th-8th grade are outlined in this chart.

Bonus Activities:
Bonus activities help students reinforce other SALP activities and provide them more flexibility and ease in the successful completion of the overall SALP program.These activities have no minimum requirement.
All SALP (student and parent) activities should be done out of class time. Only activities completed or performed after school, on weekends or during lunch break will be accepted as a SALP activity.
SALP 2023-2024 Activities Plan Schedule

SALP 2022-2023 Award Ceremony